
Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

Sandboxie Plus 1.9.8/5.64.8



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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

Sandboxie-Plus 1.10.4/5.65.4

This build adds a new scriptable troubleshooting wizard to help resolve sandboxing and UI issues, the wizard can be directly invoked from the SBIEMSG pop Up dialog. The settings dialog has been slightly restructured to add more space to update options, a bug was fixed causing the updater to run every day and not once per week, and a setting was added allowing to pick the update interval.
We have also added an addon manager which allows to install additional components, like a script debugger for the troubleshooting wizard, a file checker, the logapi dll, and a few other usefull addons.
This build has also significantly reworked the low level injection mechanism, it should now work better and is much more flexible, although this being a large change requires some testing to ensure it works great on all scenarios.
For a full list of changes and fixes please review the full
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8 Wrzesień 2010

Sandboxie-Plus 1.11.3/5.66.3

Release Notes

This is a maintenance release fixing a few issues, and updating the 7z library to 23.01 which fixes a security issue present in previous versions of this library.

For a full list of changes and fixes please review the full
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You can support the project through donations, any help will be greatly appreciated.

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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

Sandboxie-Plus 1.12.5/5.67.5

December 19, 2023
  • The latest update brings notable improvements and fixes to Sandboxie-Plus.
  • Key enhancements include the integration of Date & Time display in the Sbie Messages tab, and a streamlined the box creation process, allowing for more versatile box types. Among the various fixes, issues with sandboxed processes and stability concerns in SandMan-v1.12.3 have been addressed, ensuring a more reliable and efficient user experience.
  • We also announce a change in our update policy: automated update download & installation now requires an active supporter certificate to use the stable channel. Users on the preview channel with all the experimental potentially buggy test builds can still use auto update without a certificate. Users on the stable channel from now on will instead receive a update notification guiding them to our manually download page.
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Ostatnia edycja:


Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

Sandboxie-Plus 1.12.6/5.67.6​

[1.12.6 / 5.67.6] - 2024-01-02​


  • improved behaviour of toolbar customization menu


  • fixed issue introduced in 1.12.4 with start.exe failing to run in a confidential box
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  • fixed "The directory name is invalid" when starting a process in an encrypted private box
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  • fixed symbolic links created inside a sandbox not working properly
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  • fixed issue with drives mounted to multiple folders or a drive letter and a folder
  • fixed issue with file paths when using sandboxes with relocated root (e.g. to an ImDisk volume)
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  • fixed issue with explorer.exe on Windows 11 when using "SysCallLockDown=y"
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  • fixed SandMan not showing icons of processes located on an ImDisk volume
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8 Wrzesień 2010

Sandboxie-Plus 1.12.7/5.67.7​

1.12.7 / 5.67.7] - 2024-01-10​


  • Make Duplicate Box Config keep the order of the original box configuration
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  • Save options as new defaults disappears from the Summary page
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  • fixed Windows Explorer has difficulty navigating when running in a sandbox with data protection enabled on Windows 11
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    • the default template for privacy boxes now sets NormalFilePath=%ProgramData%\Microsoft\
  • fixed MessageBox with MB_DEFAULT_DESKTOP_ONLY or MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION can not display title and text correctly in security hardened box.
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  • fixed Can't run npm inside security hardened sandbox on Windows 11
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  • fixed [1.12.6] Symlink and open path issue
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    • when a volume without a asociated drive letter is encountered sbie uses \drive{guid} instead of \drive[letter]
    • Note: when the volume later gets a drive letter the data under \drive{guid} will be ignored!
  • fixed right click a sandbox shortcut - click run unsandboxed in order to open the file without sandbox
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    • Note: for the fix to take full effect the shell integration need to be re applied
  • fixed Error Status: 0x0000065b (Function Failed During Execution)
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  • fixed Privacy Enhanced Sandboxes are fully out of function with SBIE2204 error code
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  • fixed OpenFilePath directories are not enumerated within their parent folders
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

Sandboxie-Plus v1.13.3 / 5.68.3​

Release Notes​

This release advances the 1.13.x build line from its experimental pre release stage to stable release, it adds significant enhancements to the hooking mechanism associated with SCM-related functions, which enhances compatibility with newer versions of Windows. The revised hooking mechanism now supports API call tracing without the necessity for LogAPI.dll.

Additionally, this update introduces a feature aimed at increasing the privacy of encrypted boxes. When the option IsProtectScreen=y is set, windows of processes operating within boxes with this option enabled will be obscured during screenshot capture or recording, enhancing user privacy.

The release also enhances the compatibility of privacy-focused boxes with Windows Explorer, resolving issues related to the Recycle Bin. To this end a new default compatibility template has been introduced, which uses a new functionality of the wildcard pattern mechanism. Now the "**" pattern is supported, which acts as a placeholder for an arbitrary string without including the backslash ("") character, thus allowing users to apply wildcards to exactly one directory level, unlike the single asterisk ("*") which applies to multiple levels.

The update also introduces compatibility with Windows 11 insider builds up to 26080.
And modifies how the driver manages offset-dependent kernel object changes, the new method now enables loading an offset configuration directly from the registry, allowing offsets to be updated without the need to rebuild the driver.
To increase system stability, Sandboxie will cease using outdated known offsets for new, unrecognized kernel builds. This change applies except in cases where the PC is part of the Windows Insider Program.
In such instances, instead of using outdated offsets, the software will disable token-based security isolation and will display the warning SBIE1207, indicating that it has reverted to an less secure fallback mode of operation.

To force the use of the last known offsets on a newer build of windows than known to be supported import the below reg file to your system registry:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


While this build has been tested and appears functional, users may encounter minor issues in certain edge cases.

For a full list of changes and fixes please review the change log
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You can support the project through donations, any help will be greatly appreciated.​

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